Hello English
Hello English
spanish LESSONS

Learn to ask and tell names
Learn to ask 'Where are you from?'
Do you speak English?
Learn to ask 'Where do you live?'
Pronouns (You, he, she, it etc.)
Simple Present Tense : to-be verb - Telling nationalities
Learn verb 'be': simple present negative form
Learn verb 'be': simple present interrogative form
Learn to say 'Thank you'
Verbs (Speak, live, eat, drink)
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense (Negative)
Practice verbs - Negations
Learn to count from 1-10
Learn to ask and tell phone numbers
Possession: Name of Family Members
Learn forms of 'Have'
Learn forms of 'Don't have'
Colors as adjectives
Learn to describe your family (to be verb)
Sentence & Question structure
Learn Imperatives (giving instructions)
Verb (like)
Pronoun and Possessive Pronouns
Learn about possessive adjectives
Question words: What, Where, When etc.
Use of 'Can' 'Could' Cannot'
Profession 'What do you do?'
Likes and Dislikes
Learn to ask 'How many?'
Big Numbers
Asking and Telling Age
Describe someone in English
Adjective word order
Asking address
Do you have pets?
Asking directions (left, right, behind)
Learn about parts of the body
At a store
Talk about clothes in English
At a restaurant
Asking time
Days of the week
Name of months, seasons
Describe your house to someone
Prepositions of place: In, On, At
Where is it? - Prepositions of place 2
Possesives - Where is my book?
Learn to ask 'Where do you live?'
Learn to ask 'Where do you work?'
Learn to describe one's room
Learn about the names of the 'buildings of a city' in English
Learn to describe a place
Prepositions of Place (III): Practice exercise
Learn the usage of: There is and there are
Learn to describe an object's location and placement
Describing a place (II)
Learn the 'names of various shops' in English (grocery, patisserie, butcher's shop, etc.)
Learn shopping conversations
Learn the difference between: this, that, these, those
Asking about quantity: How much and How many
Asking about prices
Learn the correct usage of uncountable nouns
Countable vs Uncountable Nouns.
Learn the correct usage of 'A' and 'Any' in English
Some vs Any
Articles: a, an, the
What do you do? : Aprender a hablar sobre las ocupaciones
Present tense practice
Aprender a hablar sobre las rutinas diarias en inglés
Preguntar y decir la hora
Aprender a hablar sobre los gustos y preferencias
Conversaciones relacionadas con la comida.
Decir y leer 'Recipe' (recetas)
Restaurant: Ejercicio de práctica sobre 'imperatives' (imperativos)
Imperatives: Conversación en un restaurante.
Ejercicio de práctica sobre 'have got' (tener)
Learn Ordinal Numbers (First, Second Third etc.)
Aprender acerca de los días de la semana y su uso.
Uso de Let's (hagamos algo)
Present Progressive & Continuous Tense
Adverbs of frequency (Never, Often, Sometimes, Always etc.)
Adverbs of manner - quickly, slowly, well, fast, etc.=Advebios de modo-rapidamente, lentamente, bien, rápido, etc.
uso del verbo 'Can' (poder)
Hobbies: Aprender a hablar sobre los 'Hobbies' (Pasatiempos)
Simple Past - El tiempo del pasado simple
Verbs in Simple Past - Uso de los verbos en el pasado simple.
Aprender a hablar sobre eventos en el pasado.
Simple Past - Formas negativas del pasado simple.
Simple Past - Preguntas en el tiempo del pasado simple
Past continuous tense
Interview - Aprender a presentarse en una entrevista
Interview - Aprender a hablar sobre a ocupació de uno en una entrevista.
Interview - Apredenr a hablar sobre las calificaciones de uno en una entrevista.
Interview - Aprender a hablar sobre las fortalezas y debilidades durante una entrevista
Salary- Conversación acerca del sueldo/salario
Ejercicio de práctica sobre como formular preguntas
Preguntas con 'How'
Hablando del clima
Preposición : Like
Tiempo Pasado Simple - Verbos Irregulares
Práctica : Tiempo Pasado Simple - Was, Were
Los adjetivos posesivos - My, your, his, her, their, our etc.
Entrevista - La razón para cambiar en el trabajo
Hablando de futuro - I will
Hablando de futuro - Forma interrogativa y negativa
Practice - Will, Won't
El presente progresivo como futuro
Futuro con 'Going to'
Diferencia en el 'because' & 'so'
Pronombres Reflexivos - Myself, Himself, Yourself
Preguntando direcciones
Hablando por teléfono en inglés
Haciendo planes
Hablando de películas
Aprender a hablar sobre la salúd de una persona en inglés
Aprender a felicitar a alguien.
Práctica en el presente continuo
Planes para el fin de semana
E mail: Aprender a escribir un correo electrónico
Email Dejar una solicitud - Leave Application
Uso y diferencia entre Go, get, have
Preposiciones de tiempo en (varias formas) - In, on, at
Preposiciones de lugar 'en' (varias formas) - At, to, in, on
Conectores (And, But, Or)
Conectores (And, as well, too)
Verbos modales de las terminaciones: Would, shall, will, can, could
Articulos practica - A, an, the
El us de 'if' (si) y 'when' (cuando ) en la forma condicional.
Adverbios de tiempo - Overnight, right now, yesterday, today, tomorrow
'Do' como verbo auxiliar.
Información personal y entrevista de práctica.
Expresar felicidad y decepciones
Voz activa y voz pasiva
Cuantificadores : Little/ a little, few/ a few
Práctica : A lot of, a little, a few, too many, too much, enough
Articulos de definicion - A, an, the
El uso de 's, is,has
Preposiciones : On, about, to, for, with
Las voz pasiva: Past Tense
Mi plan del sábado
Aprender la diferencia entre 'Like' (gustar) y 'Would like' (gustaría)
Pronombres Relativos : Who, that, which,whose, where, when, what, why, whom
El tiempo del presente perfecto (Afirmativo)
El tiempo del presente perfecto (Negativo)
Entender la diferencia entre 'Since' y 'For'
Presente perfecto: Already, Yet, Just
Presente perfecto: Ever
Adverbios de frecuencia Ever (siempre), Never (Nunca)
El tiempo del pasado perfecto
El tiempo del pasado perfecto
Obligación y necesidad: Must/have to
Aprender a describir a la familia
Aprender a describir a personas (Part 2)
Aprender a describir los alrededores
Aprender a ofrecer cumplidos
Aprender a hablar sobre la ropa favorita
Reservar un hotel
Palabras confusas: Accept, except, expect
Conversación en un aeropuerto
Conversación en una estación de tren
Uso de última vez, primera vez (first time, last time)
Uso de 'go', 'do', 'play'
Narrar una historia utilizando el pasado continuo.
El uso de una vez, dos veces, etc.
Aprender a hacer comentarios de forma negativa
Phrasal verbs (get up, turn it down, turn it off, put them away, etc.)
Aprender a hablar sobre las noticias
Aprender a hablar sobre los deportes favoritos
Opuestos y antónimos
Presente Simple y Presente Progresivo
Sustantivo persoa y adjetivo: Noun, person, Adjective
El uso de 'would'
Uso de 'so', 'neither' y 'nor'
Uso de 'either', 'neither', 'also', 'too', 'as well'.
Simple Past vs. Present Perfect Practice
Palabras de cantidad
Aprender a hacer llamadas teléfonicas
Hablar sobre teléfonos
Uso de 'May' 'Might' y 'Could'
Hablar sobre las elecciones
Deseos y remordimientos
Hacer peticiones
Hacer comparaciones
Conversación sobre comida (2)
Conversación sobre comida (3)
Pedir y dar sugerencias
Aprender a dar sugerencias y órdenes
Aprender a dar opiniones
Condicional con 'would'
First/Real conditional
Second/Unreal conditional
Aprender a hablar en una entrevista.
Aprender a hablar sobre su héroe heroína favoritos
Aprender a narrar la historia de su película favorita
Past perfect vs. present perfect practice
Simple past vs. past perfect
Past perfect: El pasado perfecto
Aprender a hablar sobre las vacaciones
A vacation in Quito: Object pronouns
Practice Adjectives
Practice Session
Superlative adjectives (Most, est rules)
Superlative adjectives (irregular)
The passive: Modals
The passive: Present progressive
Passive voice vs. Active voice practice
Ejercicio para expresar obligación y necesidad: Mustn't, Don't Have to
Ejecicio para mejorar el vocabulario: Vocabulary building
Reported speech: Yes, no questions
Reported speech: Wh questions
Reported speech: Practice of tenses
The Passive: Past Progressive Tense
The Passive: Will / Shall
Aprenda a hablar sobre opciones y prioridades
Ejercicio sobre comparativos y superlativos
Been vs. Gone
Prepositions following verbs
Nouns followed by prepositions: On, To, Of
Nouns followed by prepositions: About, For, In
Reporte de negocios
Say vs. Tell
Debería, debe: Should, Ought to
Aprender acerca de los nombres de utensilios de cocina
Determiners Quantifiers
Quantifiers: Each, every
Making plurals (La construcción de los plurales): Using -ves
Future Progessive: Practice
Future Progessive: Negative
Future Tense practice: A telephone conversation
Future perfect tense: Affirmative and negative
Future perfect tense - Interrogative
Astronomy vocabulary (Vocabulario sobre astronomía)
El tiempo del futuro perfecto - Future Perfect Tense
Use of 'simple present' as future
Do you know these words?
Using future tense for the past
Reflexive pronouns vs. 'each other'
Reflexive pronouns vs. Object pronouns
Determiners Quantifiers : Tons of, Several, Most, All, Half of, None, The whole
Vocabulary: Health, Diseases, Medical, Types of Doctors
Gym Conversación en el gimnasio
Conditional Sentences: Practice
Past Tense Practice
Health and Safety (Salúd y seguridad)
El uso de 'Could'(podría)
Uso de verbos para pedir permiso: Can, could, may, be allowed to
Comparative Adjectives - Practice
Verbs: -ing forms vs. Infinitives
Change verbs to nouns
Aprender a invitar a alguien
Conversación en situaciones de emergencia
Past participle as adjective: Tired, broken, bored, interested, frightened etc.
Passive voice - Practice
Homonyms (Los homónimos)
Vocabulario relacionado a leyes
The Passive - Present Perfect
Phrasal verbs - bring up, bring out, clear up, call off, carry on, etc.
Phrasal verbs - get up, turn down, turn off, let down, make up, etc.
Phrasal verbs - Practice
Environment related vocabulary
Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Progressive tense
Modals - Practice
Advanced Weather Vocabulary
Past perfect vs. Past perfect progressive tense
Natural disasters: Vocabulary
Past perfect vs. Past perfect progressive tense (part 2)
Writing an email to schedule a meeting
Cancelling a meeting
A sales call: Pitching your product
A sales call: Negotiating rates
How to wish/congratulate someone
Had to, did not have to, couldn't - Practice
Obligation/Necessity practice
If vs. unless
Advanced Adjectives
Reported speech and reported questions
Causative and passive forms
Forming new words
Relative clauses: 1
Relative clauses: 2
Relative pronouns: Penélope Cruz's life
Third unreal condition: usage
Party conversations and vocabulary
Using 'used to'
Celebrations: Vocabulary
Learn adjective word order
Correct form of 'have' and 'verbs'
Modals of ability (can, could, be able to)
Could vs. Be able to
Prepositions Practice - Part 1
Prepositions Practice - Part 2
Prepositions following Verbs
Past passive: usage
Simple past vs. Present Perfect: practice
Linking words (although, though, whereas, etc.)
Advanced connectors
Prepositions following adjectives - Practice
Mixed prepositions
Preposition expressions: Exceptions and Additions
Can you spell it?
Can you spell it? (Part 2)
Confusing words
Trendy words (selfie, deja vu, etc.)
Do you know these Fruits?
Names of vegetables, and pulses
Test Series - 1
Advice/Opinion: had better, would rather
Phrasal Verbs: Word order 2
Subject Verb Agreement
How has your visit been: Almost and Hardly
Common errors: Nouns
Common errors: Pronouns
Common errors: Adjectives
Common errors: Verbs
Common errors: Adverbs
Common errors: Conjunctions
Common errors: Prepositions
Everyday words: practice
Everyday words: practice (part 2)
Commonly confused word pairs
Everyday expressions: Quiz
Everyday expression quiz II
Common phrases quiz
Animal expression quiz
A practice exercise on speak v/s says v/s tell v/s talk
A practice exercise on watch v/s look v/s see
Study of Homonyms I
Study of Homonyms II
A practice exercise 'so' and 'such'
Common mistakes everyone v/s every one
Phrasal verbs
Punctuation 2
Spot the error (Part 1)
Spot the error (Part 2)
Advanced Synonyms (Part 1)
Advanced Synonyms (Part 2)
Advanced Synonyms (Part 3)
Spelling I
Advanced Antonyms (Part 1)
Advanced Antonyms (Part 2)
Advanced Synonyms (Part 4)
Avoid syntax errors (Part 1)
Advanced Synonyms (Part 5)
Being succinct (Part 1)
Being succinct (Part 2)
Avoid syntax errors (Part 2)
Being succinct (Part 3)
Spellings Practice
Spot the error (Part 3)
Advanced Antonyms (Part 3)
Advanced Antonyms (Part 4)
Judging the tone (Part 1)
Judging the tone (Part 2)
Being succinct (Part 4)
Being succinct (Part 5)
Being succinct (Part 6)
Parts of Speech
Types of Nouns
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Personal Pronouns: Subject and Object Pronouns
Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Indefinite Pronouns
Degrees of Adjectives: Positive and Comparative Degree
Degrees of Adjectives: Superlative Degree
Order of Adjectives: Part 1
Order of Adjectives: Part 2
Verbs: Regular and Irregular
Main Verbs
Auxiliaries and Modal Verbs
Mixed Verbs, Continuous and Non Continuous
Position of Adverbs
Prepositions: Part 1
Articles (Part 1)
Articles (Part 2)
Present Tense
Future Tense
Future Tense (Part 2)
Subject and Predicate
Subject Verb Agreement (Part - 1)
Subject Verb Agreement (Part - 2)
Word Order in Sentences
Word Order in Questions
Past Tense
Placement of Expressions of Time, Place, Manner and Frequency
Question tags
Being succinct (Part 7)
Being succinct (Part 8)
Being succinct (Part 9)
Being succinct (Part 10)
Being succinct (Part 11)
Being succinct (Part 12)
Spot the error (Part 4)
Mixed Bag I
Mixed bag Part II
Mixed bag Part III
Mixed bag Part IV
Mixed bag Part V
Idiomatic Similes
Being succinct (Part 13)
Spot the error (Part 5)
Being succinct (Part 14)
Judging the tone (Part 3)
Spot the error (Part 6)
Advanced Vocabulary Building
Processing - I
Being succinct (Part 15)
Spellings - III
Spellings - IV
Judging the tone (Part 4)
Being succinct (Part 16)
Being succinct (Part 17)
Avoid syntax errors (Part 3)
Processing- II
Processing - III
Processing - IV
Expression - II
Expression - III
Vocabulary: Nature | Seasons
Vocabulary: Nature | Animals
Vocabulary: Nature | Heavenly bodies
Embedded and Indirect questions
Embedded and Indirect questions (Practice Lesson - I)
Embedded and Indirect questions (Practice Lesson - II)
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 1
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 2
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 3
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 4
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 5
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 6
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 7
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 8
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 9
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 10
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 11
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 12
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 13
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 14
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 15
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 16
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 17
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 18
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 19
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 20
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 21
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 22
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 23
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 24
Comprehension, advanced vocabulary and pronunciation - 25
Parts of Speech (Part 2)
Forming Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives
Phrasal Verbs (Advanced Level - Part 2)
Phrases/Expressions (Advanced Level)
Linking Words (Advanced Level)